I used the patterns on Project Linus' web site and Lion Brand Pound of Love yarn to make 3 baby blankets. I think that they turned out beautifully! I have a couple of ideas for blankets for older children and teens once I find some spare time to work on them. Spare time is in short supply these days :)
Making these blankets was really fun for me, too. The repetitve nature of making a blanket was so relaxing compared to the crocheting I usually do, surrounded by several different colors of yarn and counting stitches in my head.
Thank you Anna, this is one charity that I did not know about - I will definitely make up a few blankies and sent em on in!
I think I will do the Newbie Shell for one and the Baby Bobbles for another - depending on how that goes perhaps 2 of each :)
K4TT, that is awesome! I'm so glad to spread the word about charities that need crocheted items. I made the lavendar blanket using the baby bobble afghan pattern, the yellow blanket using the newbie shell afghan pattern and the green blanket using the crocheted blanket pattern. My sons love the blankies I made for them when I was pregnant so I'm glad to be able to share these blankets with other children who need them :)
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